, reserved character

The , (comma) reserved character several purposes:

  • Separates subscript references within multidimensional arrays.

  • Separates ac.exp, vc.exp, and sc.exp in dynamic array references.

  • Delimits arguments within functions.

  • Separates passed arguments in a call statement.

  • When used with the crt or print statement, tabs to the next tab stop. Tab stops are established every 18 columnar positions.

  • Line continuation for subroutine, call, common, dimension, equate and data statements.


dim.array.var(col.exp, row.exp)
dyn.array.var< ac.exp, vc.exp, sc.exp>
function(arg1, arg2,...)
call subroutine.name(arg1, arg2,...)
print str.exp, str.exp,...


The comma delimits the row and column arguments in a two-dimensional array reference.

if screen.array(13,12)...

The comma delimits the ac.exp (17) and the vc.exp (-1) in a dynamic array reference.

customer.item<17,-1> = invoice.pointer

The comma delimits the arguments in the dcount() function.

cnt = dcount(string,char(253))

The comma separates the arguments in the list being passed to the subroutine.

call display.lines(cust.item,balance,inv.list)

This prints hello, followed by 13 spaces and there. This functions similar to a tab stop, moving to the next multiple of 18 on the print or display line.

crt "hello" , "there"