Recompiling a trigger

By default, when the FlashBASIC code for a trigger is recompiled, it is not immediately used by the application. All files using the trigger must be closed for the new copy of the code to be taken into account.

To change this behavior, use the Load Trigger at Each File Open check box in the FlashBASIC tab of the D3 Device Manager.

Deselect the check box for the default behavior (all files must be closed and D3 must be shutdown and rebooted) or select the check box  (do not need to shutdown and reboot D3) to employ the following features:

  • The new code is picked up when the file is reopened by a user. All users of the same file then use the new version of the trigger immediately, even if they do not log off.

  • If the trigger is used in another file, the users see the change the next time the other file is re-opened.

  • Obsolete versions show a usage of 0 (in the D3 File Manager, Tools > Flash Shared Code) and are destroyed when all users log off.

Note: Recompiling a trigger many times while the file is in use can lead to many obsolete copies of the code in the FlashBASIC code section. There is no limit to the size of this section, and as it grows larger, it may consume swap space.