The following D3 Visual Basic object handles (using the brHandle method available to each D3 Visual Basic object) can be passed to a FlashBASIC subroutine:
D3 Object | FlashBASIC Argument | Notes |
Dynamic Array | String | Only ANSI string can be passed. |
File | File variable | The file must be opened in Visual Basic. The FlashBASIC subroutine
can read and write the file, but must not close the file. File variables
are not modified on return. In other words, it is not possible to
pass an empty file object and have a FlashBASIC module open a file. Note: The module can open/close files within the module. However, the Visual
Basic application will not have access to those files unless it also
opens the file.
Select List | String | The Flash subroutine should not modify the input string. |
All Others | Generate a Run Time Exception. |