Compile stamps

Compile stamp items contain descriptive internal information about programs compiled for BASIC.

When a program is compiled, this information is placed in an item in the dictionary level of the file in which the source program resides. The item_ID of the item is the program name. The structure of the information is as follows:

Attribute Description
0 Item-ID (name of program)
1 CC
2 Starting frame number of object code.
3 Pick BASIC object frame count.
4 Date, internal, when last compiled.
5 Time in seconds, internal, when last compiled.
6 Port number of who compiled program last.
7 User who compiled program last.
8 Account name that compiled program last.
9 Release version from where program was last compiled.
10 Options used when last compiled, alphabetically.
11 Bytes in Pick BASIC object code.
12 Pick FlashBASIC object frame count.
13 Date of the last execution in internal format. Note that you can reference this value from the r/date attribute defining item.
14 Time of the last execution in internal format. Note that you can reference this value from the r/time attribute defining item.
15 Number of times the program has been run or called since the last compile. Note that you can reference this value from the r/count attribute defining item.


This program was compiled January 28, 2003 at 10:29:03 AM, and takes up 43 bytes of 1 frame. It was compiled on port 12 by user dm in the account qa with no options and was not Flash compiled.

ct dict bp prog
001 CC
002 740380
003 1
004 12812
005 37743
006 12
007 dm
008 qa
009 6.1.0.A5
011 43
012 0
013 13742
014 52761
015 00000002