capturing clause The capturing clause resumes the capturing effect from the previous execute...capturing statements in a FlashBASIC or BASIC program.
do clause The optional do clause is used with the loop statement.
else clause The else clause is the inline clause for the if statement to execute when it evaluates to false.
locked clause The locked clause is used when the requested item is locked and waiting is not desired.
onerr clause The onerr clause identifies the statements to execute when an error occurs during statements that perform operations on peripheral storage devices.
on error clause The on error clause, which consists of the text on error followed by a statement list, is taken if the update fails due to a lost network connection or a callx that executes an inputerr statement.
setting clause The setting clause defines the variable to receive the index results of a get or locate statement.
then clause The then clause specifies which statements to execute when the conditional statement evaluates to true.
until clause The until clause specifies a termination condition for a or loop constructs.
while clause The while clause specifies a continuation condition in a or loop construct.