p command (Editor processor)

The p command either defines or executes a prestored command; p by itself assumes p0 (zero).




number Defines the prestored buffer.
editor.command Any valid Editor command.
[ (Control) value mark.

Defining prestored commands

An Editor command sequence may be assigned to a specified number (in the range 0–9). Each prestored command may contain up to 100 bytes. When no number is specified, 0 is assumed. The ESC key is used as a command delimiter to separate multiple Editor commands. The default prestore, p0, is l22, or list 22 lines.

Note: Prestored Editor command sequences must be redefined each time the Editor is initiated.

Executing prestored commands

To execute a prestored command, the p command is issued along with the desired number of the command to execute:


The p command, followed by pressing Enter, executes the command sequence stored in p0 (zero). The pd command displays the current prestored commands. It is recommended to review prestored commands after defining them and before executing them.


p1 b[u22[l22

Defines prestored command p1 with the command sequence:

  1. Go to the bottom of the item.

  2. Move the line pointer up 22 lines.

  3. List 22 lines.

Each time the p1 command is issued, the last 22 lines of the item display.

p2 ru9999.abc.xyz[fi[p2

Defines prestored command p2 as:

  1. Replace, in the next 9999 lines, all occurrences of abc with xyz.

  2. File the item.

  3. Repeat the process on the next item (by calling the p2 command), or, if all items have been processed, the process falls out to TCL.

Note: The [ displayed in both examples is the character echoed to the screen when ESC is pressed. This further assumes that the ESC key is not currently programmed to push a level.