
The ^ is used as a wildcard search character within the string parameter for replacing known and sometimes unknown strings within strings. It matches any character. Note that ^ is a normal character, not a control character. See the r/^^^// example below.

Using attribute marks with the r command:

The control shift ^ represents an attribute mark in the Editor. Used with the r command, it has the effect of terminating the line. See the examples below.

Note: When using column ranges (see c command (Editor processor)) the r command only works if there is data in the attribute and it occurs within the specified column position, or range of positions. It is not possible to replace using a column range beyond the end of the attribute.


Replaces the first 3 characters (wildcards, or ^) of the current line with null, (that is, deletes the first three characters).


Replaces the first occurrence of the string, abc, with an attribute mark (control shift ^), terminating the line prior to the string, abc.


Replaces all characters on the current attribute with null, leaving the current attribute intact, but empty.
