Functions within the library have the general structure:
{rc=}_CP_ xxx({arg0{,arg1{,...}}});
where _CP_xxx is a general pattern for the name. It is always prefixed with _CP_ to avoid naming conflicts with standard libraries and is suffixed with an entirely lowercase tag such as _CP_execute. Macros are provided using the same model, but they use uppercase such as such as _CP_SLEN.
arg0 and arg1 are arguments. The result code is rc. Almost all functions return an integer result. This result is -1 if an error occurs, and the global variable _CP_errno is set to one of the following error codes:
Error | Result |
PE_ACCESS | Cannot access file. |
PE_BAD_PARAMS | Too many parameters on a call. |
PE_BADATTR | Bad attribute. |
PE_BADF | File not opened. |
PE_BADMD | Bad master dictionary or master dictionary password. |
PE_BADUSER | Bad user-ID or user password. |
PE_CALLMAIN | Tried to call a main as a subroutine. |
PE_CONV | Conversion error. |
PE_DEBUG | Debugger entered. |
PE_END_LIST | No more items on select. |
PE_EOF | End of file/item. |
PE_GETSEND | Bad PIB on get/send. |
PE_ILL_KEY | Bad key operator. |
PE_INIT | Virtual machine not booted or attached. |
PE_INVAL | Invalid call. |
PE_LEVEL | Debugger entered. |
PE_LOAD_ERR | Unable to load FlashBASIC subroutine. |
PE_LOCK | Item is locked. |
PE_LONG_STR | Too long a string for heading. |
PE_MISCERR | Miscellaneous logon error. |
PE_MISSING | File not found. |
PE_NFILE | Not enough memory to open more files. |
PE_NONUM | Not a number. |
PE_NOSPACE | Could not allocate workspace. |
PE_NOTROOT | Bad root variable. |
PE_PROC | Proc read error. |
PE_TAPE | Tape error. |
PE_TMOUT | Input time out. |
PE_TRUNC | String truncated due to lack of memory. |