Relational operators and logical clauses

Relational operators are modifiers used to establish criteria based on the relationship of data to fixed values or other data. For example, relational operators can be used to select a range of zip code values within specified upper and lower limits. This can be done using gt and lt as well as the and relational operator to establish the selection criteria.

Operator Description
# or ne Tests for a not equal condition.
< or lt or before Tests for a less than condition.
<= or le Tests for a less than or equal to condition.
= or eq or equal Tests for an equal condition.
> or gt or after Tests for a greater than condition.
>= or ge Tests for a greater than or equal to condition.
not or no Tests a negative condition, reversing a true relation.
# or no or not Not equal to
< or lt or before Less than
<= or le Less than or equal to


sort entity with state eq "ca"
list invoices with amount.due not "0"
list employees with birthday before "1/2/62"
list employees with age gt "21"
select entity with no zip
sort invoices with every amount > "0"

Logical clauses are used in the selection criteria process.

Clause Description
or or ! Used between two or more conditions to indicate one or the other must be true.
and or & Used between two or more conditions to indicate that all must be true.

This example shows two selection clauses connected with an and modifier, which means that both conditions must be evaluated as true for items to be selected for processing.

list entity with name "mi]" and with phone "804]"

When applying multiple selection criteria clauses against a single attribute value, it is not necessary to build a separate selection criteria phase for each, as in the examples below:

list customers with state = "ca" or with state = "az" or with state = "va"

This can also be stated as:

list customers with state "ca""az""va"