The MQSET subroutine is used to change the attributes of an object represented by a handle. The object must be a queue.


call MQSET(Hconn, HObj, IntSel, CharSel, IntVal, CharVal, CompCode, Reason)


Parameter Data Transfer Description
Hconn inbound Connection handle.
Hobj inbound Object Descriptor Handle. Must have been opened with the MQOO_INQUIRE option.
IntSel inbound Multivalue integer selectors to change.
CharSel inbound Multivalue char selectors to change.
IntVal inbound Multivalue new values of the integer selectors.
CharVal inbound Multivalue new values of the character selectors.
CompCode outbound Completion Code (MSQCC_OK|MSQCC_WARNING| MSQCC_FAILED).
Reason outbound Reason code for qualifying CompCode.