The MQPUT1 subroutine places one message on a queue. The queue does not need to be open. The MQPUT1 subroutine is a shortcut for calling MQOPEN, MQPUT, and MQCLOSE in succession.


call MQPUT1(Hconn, ObjDesc, MsgDesc, PutMsgOpts, Blen, Buff, CompCode, Reason)


Parameter Data Transfer Description
Hconn inbound Connection handle.
objDesc inbound Object Descriptor.
MsgDesc inbound Message Descriptor.
PutMsgOpts inbound Options controlling action of MQPUT1.
Blen inbound Length of message in Buff.
Buff outbound Message Data.
CompCode outbound Completion Code (MSQCC_OK|MSQCC_WARNING| MSQCC_FAILED).
Reason outbound Reason code for qualifying CompCode.