Running the upgrade program

Complete these instructions to run the upgrade program.

The system is at the Options: prompt.

Options: F)ile only, A)BS only, X) eXecute. Q)uit = _


  1. Press X to boot the D3 System.

    You will see a message similar to:

    Locking ABS...Flush process started
    Diagnostics .. successfully completed
    Activating processes ......
    [3] The verb 'SYSTEM-COLDSTART' is not defined. :_

    The last error message is normal for the upgrade process and can be ignored. The term type might need to be set. See the D3 Reference Manual for more information. The following example changes the D3 term type to VT100:

    term VT100
  2. Enter:

    You will see the list of tape devices in the configuration file. The tape device numbers might vary, depending on the particular system configuration:

    Tape  Status         DD MMM YYYY   hh:mm:ss
    #    Type            Density       Owner   Device Name
    0  | Floppy      |  3 1.2" 1.44M  |     | /dev/fd0H1440
    1  | Floppy      |  3 1.2" 720K   |     | /dev/fd0H720
    2  | SCT         |                |     | /dev/nst0
    3  | compressed  |  500K          |     | /usr/lib/pick/ab
    4  | compressed  |  500K          |     | /usr/lib/pick/dt
    Enter a unit number from the above list : _ 4
  3. Enter the number that corresponds to the /usr/lib/pick/dt device.

    In this example, 4 is entered.

  4. To begin the upgrade process, enter:
    In order to complete this upgrade,all other D3 processes must be logged off.
    Press 'c' to continue with the upgrade, or any other key to stop:
  5. To continue with the upgrade, type c.
    Insert Data Files #1 and press ‘c’
  6. Type c to continue. Do not press Enter.

    This procedure updates all system files in the dm, spooler, sql and sqldemo accounts, as well as the md of all user accounts on the system.

    As the upgrade procedure finishes, the system prompts whether to run the system-coldstart again.

  7. Enter Y to re-run the routine.
    The D3 upgrade procedure with data files in place is complete. D3 is installed and running on the system.
    Note: It is highly recommended that you activate your system at this point.
  8. To activate your system, go to Activating D3.