Preparing the pre-upgrade program

Complete these instructions to prepare the pre-upgrade program.


  1. Create the upgrade file. Enter:
    create-file upgrade.file 1 1
    • If this file already exists, you will see a message indicating the file exists.
    • If the file does not already exist, you will see a message indicating the file does not exist.
    [417] file 'upgrade.file' created; base = xxxxx, modulo = 1
    [417] file 'upgrade.file' created; base = xxxxx, modulo = 1
  2. Import the upgrade file. Enter:
    import md do-pre-upgrade (o

    You will see the following prompt:

  3. Enter:

    You will see a screen similar to:

    1 /tmp/ugf/do-pre-upgrade TO do-pre-upgrade
    [805] 1 items copied