Declaration: | trigger getFocus
Applies to: | Form |
Activation: | Activated by the form getting focus as a result of user actions or ProcScript commands. |
Default behavior: | None |
Behavior upon completion: | None |
Caution: Do not use the getFocus trigger to change focus. For example, you should not use ProcScript instructions such as setformfocus or $prompt, display a dialog box, or activate another component instance in this trigger.
Trigger Activation
The getFocus trigger can be activated in several ways:
- When a mouse click positions the cursor in the current form (whether or not it is minimized), after the loseFocus trigger of the previous form completes successfully.
- When a form receives focus after a form that previously had focus stops, for example, following ^ACCEPT, return, and so on. (This occurs even if the form receiving focus is minimized.)
Communicating with a Parent Instance
The following example sends a message to the parent form when the current form get focus:
trigger getFocus if ($instanceparent != "") postmessage $instanceparent, "GETTING FOCUS", $instancename endif end; getFocus