
Declare the parameter block for an operation, entry, or global ProcScript.

   DataType ParamName                      : Direction
  {DataType} Field.Entity{.Model}       : Direction
  {DataType} $ComponentVariable$           : Direction
  {byRef} | {byVal} struct ParamName : Direction
   entity Entity{.Model}                   : Direction
   occurrence Entity{.Model}               : Direction
   xmlstream [DTD:DTDName]ParamName        : Direction


Parameter Data Type Description
DataType Literal Uniface data type. For more information, see Uniface Data Types.

If the data type is one of the following, additional qualifiers and or parameter naming rules apply:

  • struct
  • entity
  • occurrence
  • xmlstream
ParamName Literal String has a maximum length of 32 bytes, including letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_); the first character must be a letter.
Direction Literal Direction for the parameter with respect to the operation; one of IN (input only), OUT (output only), or INOUT (input and output).

If a parameter is defined as OUT, its value at the start of the operation cannot be predicted.

$ComponentVariable$ Literal Name of a component variable that is defined in the component
byRef Literal The Struct data is passed by reference, so only a memory pointer is passed, not the actual data.
byVal Literal The Struct data is passed by Value, so it is copied before being passed.
Field Literal Name of a Component Field
Entity String Name of a Component Entity (either database or non-database).

On both the activate statement for this operation and in the params block, the corresponding entity parameters must represent the same entity, or one or its subtypes.

Model Literal Name of the model to which the entity belongs.
DTDName String Name of the DTD that defines the structure of XML stream variables. DTDName has the format:


DTDName is the literal DTD name defined in ModelName.

Return Values



Allowed in all component types.

Also allowed in global ProcScript modules. The maximum size of a parameter can be 10 MB.


The params statement defines the formal parameters for an operation, an entry (either a global or local ProcScript module), or a global ProcScript. A maximum of 64 parameters can be defined. When the operation or entry is referenced in an activate or call statement, the arguments provided on that statement must match this list of parameters in number and in type.

The parameter block defined by params can occur in any of the following places:

  • The first statement following an operation statement
  • The first statement in the exec operation in all components except dynamic server pages
  • The first statement following an entry statement in an entry module
  • The first statement of a global ProcScript module

If no parameters are required, the params block is not required. If a variables block is present, it should immediately follow the params block, or the operation statement, if no parameters are defined.

Struct Parameters

The content of a struct parameter is not a Struct, but zero or more references to Struct nodes, just as it is for struct variables. This is in contrast to scalar data types such as string. References are memory pointers so it is only possible to pass them between ProcScript modules that share the same memory. This is always the case for partner operations and entries, but may not be the case for public operations.

For this reason, the default behavior is to pass Struct parameters by reference in partner operations and entries, and by value in public operations. When passed by reference, the parameter passes a copy of the reference to the called entry or operation, so an additional reference to the same struct is created. When passed by value (the default for public operations), a copy of the Struct is made and this can have consequences when the data is returned.

It is possible to override the default behavior by explicitly defining how Struct parameters are passed using the byRef or byVal qualifiers. This can be useful if you know that the calling and receiving component instances are running in the same process.

If neither the byRef nor the byVal qualifiers are used, the default behavior depends on whether the parameter is declared in a public operation or not. However, because of the functional difference between the two, it is advisable to explicitly specify the intended qualifier.

If an operation with a byref struct parameter is activated in a component running in a different process, this will result in the following error:

-73<ACTERR_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED> "Operation with byref-Struct parameter cannot be activated across processes"

The way that Structs are passed has implications for the way in which the data is synchronized. For more information, see Passing Struct Parameters.

Entity and Occurrence Parameters

entity and occurrence parameters are known as constructed parameters. An entity parameter transfers all occurrences of the specified entity from one component to the other component. An occurrence parameter transfers the current occurrence of the specified entity from one component to the other component.

Note:  Only fields whose Is External property is T can be included in the entity parameter or occurrence parameter. By default, this is true for DBMS entities.

On each call to the operation, an implicit creocc is performed to set aside sufficient memory for the occurrence parameter. The call does not release the memory implicitly, but the memory can be cleared by clearing the data in the component entity that was created by the call.

Note:  Constructed parameters cannot be used in entries (global or local ProcScript modules).
  • If the entity parameter has direction IN or INOUT, when the operation starts, an implicit clear/e statement for that entity is performed in the component instance before the occurrences are filled with the data being transferred.
  • If the entity parameter has direction OUT or INOUT, when the operation returns, an implicit clear/e statement for that entity is performed in the requesting component instance before the occurrences are filled with the data being returned. This is followed by a release/e/mod statement for the entity.
  • If the occurrence parameter has direction IN or INOUT, when an operation starts, the current occurrence of the requesting component becomes the new occurrence in the requested component (such as an entity service).
  • If the occurrence parameter has direction OUT or INOUT, when the operation returns, the current occurrence of the requested component becomes the new occurrence in the requesting component.

Note:  If a component is activated asynchronously (for example, with the /async switch on the newinstance statement), you should not activate an operation that contains a parameter with the direction OUT or INOUT.

XML Stream Parameters

xmlstream parameters contain XML data, which can be transferred between the parameter and the component's external data structure by ProcScript statements, using xmlsave and xmlload. For more information, see xmlsave and xmlload.

Scope of Parameters

An entity, occurrence, field, or component variable parameter is defined at the component level. The values of these parameters are component-wide in scope; that is, the values are available to all operations and modules in the component.

A named parameter exists only in the operation or module in which it is defined. Its scope is limited to that operation or module. It cannot be directly referenced from another operation or module in the component, or from a local or global ProcScript called by the operation or module. If a named parameter has the same name as a field defined in the component, the parameter takes precedence over the field; to access the field, you must use the qualified field name.

For example, consider a component that contains a field named DATE in the entity PO. The operation TODAY has a named parameter, DATE. To update the field DATE in the operation TODAY, the field must be referenced by its qualified name, including its entity:

operation TODAY
   date DATE : OUT
DATE = $date ;assign the current date to parameter DATE
DATE.PO = $date ;assign the current date to field DATE.PO
end ; operation TODAY

xmlstream parameters have the same scope as named parameters. However, the data in an XML stream is not accessible to Uniface until the data has been loaded into the component's external data structure, which is accessible by all ProcScript modules in the component.

struct parameters have the same scope as named parameters. Unlike other named parameters, which contain data, a struct parameter contains only a reference to a Struct. The Struct itself is unaffected by the scope of the struct parameter. Thus, when the operation or entry completes, the reference to the Struct no longer exists, but the Struct itself remains (as long as any variable refers to it).

Defining an Operation

The following example shows the operation DISCOUNT of a service component named SERV1:

operation DISCOUNT
   string CUSTID : IN
   numeric AMOUNT : INOUT
   numeric PERCENTAGE : OUT
; no discount till proven otherwise
; 20% discount for Uniface
; 15% discount for Acme
; adjust amount
if ( CUSTID == "ufbv" ) PERCENTAGE = 20
if ( CUSTID == "acme" ) PERCENTAGE = 15

The operation DISCOUNT could be referenced from another component as follows:

Version Change
9.6.02 Added byref and byval keywords for struct parameters

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