
Move a local file to a local directory, ignoring any file redirections in the assignment file.

lfilemove  FilePath, DirPath | NewFilePath

Example: lfilemove ".\test1.txt", ".\saved\text.txt"


Parameter Data Type Description
FilePath String File name, optionally preceded by the path to the file. Must not end with a directory separator.
DirPath String Directory name, optionally preceded by the path to the directory. Must end with a directory separator
NewFilePath String New file name, optionally preceded by the path to the file. Must not end with a directory separator.

Return Values

Values returned by $procerror
Value  Error constant Meaning


-13 <UIOSERR_OS_COMMAND> An error occurred while trying to perform the OS command. Set /pri=64 to display the exact error in the message frame.


Allowed in all component types.


The lfilemove statement moves the specified file FilePath to the target location, but ignores any file redirections in the assignment file.

If you want to move a file from or to a network location, use fileload.

In other respects, lfilemove behaves like filemove. For more information, see filemove.

Note:  To rename a file without moving it, use lfilerename or filerename.

Version Change
9.1.01 Added ZIP file support

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