
Delete initialization settings, environment variables, or runtime settings.

deletesetting  Source,  Setting,  Topic

Example: deletesetting "usys","workdir", "usysdata"


Parameter Data Type Description
Source String Location of the setting or settings. Valid values depend on the platform and must be supported by the Topic.
  • Empty string ("")—default source for the platform. On Windows, the default source depends on the specified Topic. On other platforms, the default sources are environment variables (Unix, Linux), iSeries.
  • IniFile—name of an initialization file.
  • USYS—runtime settings.

    Note:  Except on Windows, it is only possible to address WORKDIR and the USYS path logicals.

  • Platform-specific value or keyword. See Values of Source per Platform .
Setting String Setting or section specification; the syntax is:

{Section\}Setting or {[Section]}Setting.

Section may be required or optional, depending on the Topic. For more information, see $setting .

Topic String Keyword defining the setting or settings to be deleted, depending on the Source. See Values of Topic

Values of Source per Platform

Values of Source on Windows
Valid Value Description
Empty string ("") usys.ini file, if Topic is one of INISECTIONS | INISETTINGS | INIDATA | USYSSECTIONS | USYSSETTINGS | USYSDATA

Environment variables, if Topic is ENVVARS or ENVDATA

Registry of current machine if Topic is REGDATA, REGKEYS, or REGVALUES

IniFile Name of an existing initialization file; valid only if Topic is one of INISECTIONS | INISETTINGS | INIDATA | USYSSECTIONS | USYSSETTINGS | USYSDATA
USYS Runtime initialization settings; valid only if Topic is USYSDATA or USYSSETTINGS
//MachineName Registry of remote machine if Topic is REGDATA, REGKEYS, or REGVALUES
"32" | "64" Registry to address, the 32-bit registry or the 64-bit registry. On 32-bit platforms "" is equivalent to "32" and on 64-bit platforms "" is equivalent to "64".

Valid only when Topic is REGDATA, REGVALUES, or REGKEYS.

Values of Source on Unix and Linux
Valid Value Description
Empty string ("") Environment variable
IniFile Name of an existing initialization file ; valid only if Topic is one of INISECTIONS | INISETTINGS | INIDATA | USYSSECTIONS | USYSSETTINGS | USYSDATA
USYS Runtime values of logical path settings (WORKDIR and USYS path logicals); valid only if Topic is USYSDATA or USYSSETTINGS.
Values of Source on iSeries
Valid Value Description
Empty string ("") Current process
IniFile Name of an existing initialization file ; valid only if Topic is one of INISECTIONS | INISETTINGS | INIDATA | USYSSECTIONS | USYSSETTINGS | USYSDATA
LibraryName Name of a data area; valid only if Topic is ENVVARS or ENVDATA
*SYS System-level environment variable; valid only if Topic isENVVARS or ENVDATA
*SYSVAL System-level environment variable; valid only when retrieving a value and Topic is ENVVARS or ENVDATA
*JOB Job level environment variable, same as empty string; valid only if Topic is ENVVARS or ENVDATA
USYS Runtime values of logical path settings (WORKDIR and USYS path logicals); valid only if Topic is USYSDATA or USYSSETTINGS.

Values of Topic

Allowed Values for Topic
Value of Topic Description
INIDATA Delete the setting. Wildcards are not allowed.
INISETTINGS Delete settings in the specified section that match the Setting pattern.

Wildcards can be used for Setting, but not for Section.

INISECTIONS Delete the file sections that match the Setting pattern, if they are empty. Wildcards (GOLD * and GOLD ?) can be used.
USYSDATA Delete the setting. Wildcards are not allowed.

If Source is USYS, restore the default value of the runtime setting. Only a limited set of runtime settings can be addressed.

USYSSETTINGS Delete the settings that match the Setting pattern. Only a limited set of runtime settings can be addressed.

Wildcards can be used for Setting, but not for Section.

USYSSECTIONS Delete the file sections that match the Setting pattern, if they are empty. Equivalent to INISECTIONS.
ENVDATA Delete an environment variable, symbol/logical, or data area. Wildcards are not allowed. The maximum length that can be assigned to an environment variable is 4096 bytes.
ENVVARS Delete one or more environment variables, data areas (iSeries), that match the Setting pattern.
REGDATA Delete the registry value. Wildcards are not allowed. Windows only.
REGVALUES Delete registry values under the specified key. Wildcards (GOLD * and GOLD ?) are allowed only in Value but not in Key. Windows only.
REGKEYS Delete subkeys under the specified key, if they are empty. Wildcards can be used for Subkey but not for Key. Windows only.

Return Values

Values commonly returned by $procerror following deleteseetting
Value Error Constant Meaning
0 UACT_SUCCESS Success. This value is also returned if no settings have been deleted because none matched the profile provided in the Setting parameter.
-4 UIOSERR_OPEN_FAILURE The specified source could not be opened.
-5 UIOSERR_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED The specified section is not empty.
-12 UIOSERR_FILE_READ_WRITE An error occurred while trying to read or write to the file, registry, or environment variable
-1118 UPROCERR_ARGUMENT The specified setting does not exist.


Allowed in all component types except Dynamic and Static Server Pages.


You can use the deletesetting command to delete a setting, settings in a specific section, or one or more empty sections.

  • Single setting—specify the Topic parameter as INIDATA, USYSDATA, REGDATA or ENVDATA.
  • Zero or more settings in a specific section or subkey (if applicable)—specify a retrieve profile using wildcards in the Setting parameter and specify the Topic parameter as INISETTINGS, USYSSECTIONS, REGVALUES or ENVVARS.
  • Zero or more empty sections or subkeys—specify a retrieve profile using wildcards in the Setting parameter and specify the Topic parameter as INISECTIONS, USYSSECTIONS or REGKEYS.

Note: When addressing registry keys, you can only use a backslash (\) as a path separator, not a forward slash (/).

Deleting a setting with topic USYSDATA restores its default value.

If no settings or sections match the profile, $procerror is set to 0, indicating that no items were removed. If any of the section or subkey is not empty, nothing is removed and $procerror is set to -5.

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