
Provides a specific instruction to the compiler.

#pragma  fsyntaxoverride


fsyntaxoverride—instructs the compiler to allow the field syntax in a subtype entity to override that defined in its supertype.


Allowed in all Uniface component types.


When a supertype entity specifies a field syntax of MAN (mandatory), it is not possible to change this value in its subtype entities, or in components that use the subtype entities. This was possible prior to Uniface 9.6.01. If this change in behavior causes problems, it is possible to revert to the old behavior by using the directive #pragma fsyntaxoverride.

Note:  Although this directive can be set in any trigger, it is strongly recommended that you set it in the Declarations container of the component. This ensures that all items in the component use this setting during compilation.

When the #pragma fsyntaxoverride is present, and the field syntax of the subtype entity differs from the supertype, the component is compiled but a warning is issued:

1024 warning: Field syntax for field is overwritten on component level because fsyntaxoverride pragma is set




9.6.05 X502
