$ude ("load")

Load a symbol table or script listing from a file into a field or variable.

$ude("load","Type;ResourceType", ResourceName {, OptionList})

Example: vResult = $ude("load", "Listing;Component", "MyService","","")


Parameter Data Type Description
Type String

Type of information; either symbolTable or listing

ResourceType String

Type of resource (compiled runtime object) that the Type pertains to. See Resource Types.

ResourceName String Name of the resource that the Type pertains to.
OptionList String Associative list containing one or more options that are appropriate to the ResourceType. See Options.

Resource Types

Use Gold separators in specifying the resource type for the listing or symbol table. Depending on the object type, you can also specify additional options.

Supported Types of Resources
Resource Type Keyword
Application shells application
Components component
Dynamic Server Pages dynamic_server_page
Static Server Pages server_page
Forms form
Reports report
Services service
Entity Services entity_service
Session Services session_service
Modeled Entities model
Global ProcScript proc
Menus menu
Panels panel

Note: If Type is listing, it is not possible to specify panel.


If the ResourceType is a global object, you must also specify the language and library. The OptionList is an associative list containing at least one option and value. Use Gold ; when specifying multiple options.

Option Description

Mandatory if ResourceType is a global object.

language=Language Mandatory if ResourceType is message | glyph | format | menu

Return Values

$ude ("load") returns an associative list of references, or an empty string, if no references are available.


$ude ("load") loads the contents of a symbol table or script listing file into a field or variable.

The returned value can be long. When loading the data into a field, ensure that the size of the field (defined by the Field Syntax property) is large enough to handle the data.

Loading a Script Listing

  string vStatus, vListing, vName


vStatus = $ude("Exist", "Listing;Component", vName,"","")
if (vStatus = 0) 
   putmess "A listing for %%%vName does not exist"
elseif (vStatus = 1)
   vListing = $ude("Load", "Listing;Component", vName, "", "")
   lfiledump/append vListing, "listing.txt" 
Version Change
9.3.01 Introduced

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