$ude ("import", "symboltable")

Import symbol table files into the UXCROSS repository table.

$ude("import", "symboltable { ;ResourceType}", ResourceProfile, "" {, OptionsList})

$ude("import","symboltable", ResourceProfile, "" {, OptionsList} )

Example: vResult = $ude("Import", "Symboltable", "My_*", "", "Library=My_LIB;Language=USA")


Parameter Data Type Description
ResourceType String Type of compiled runtime object. See Resource Types.
ResourceProfile String Name of the compiled runtime object; if no ResourceType is specified, it can contain wildcards.
OptionsList String Associative list containing one or more options that are appropriate to the operation or the ResourcesType. See Options.

Arguments can also be a field, variable, or function that evaluates to a string or list.

Resource Types

Use Gold separators in specifying the resource type that the symbol table. pertains to. Depending on the resource type, you can also specify additional options.

Supported Types of Resources
Resource Type Keyword
Application shells application
Components component
Dynamic Server Pages dynamic_server_page
Static Server Pages server_page
Forms form
Reports report
Services service
Entity Services entity_service
Session Services session_service
Modeled Entities model
Global ProcScript proc
Menus menu
Panels panel


Use Gold ; as a separator when specifying multiple options.

Import Options
Option Description
commitinterval=Number Frequency with which data is stored in the database, expressed as the number of occurrences
library=LibraryName Specify the library if ResourceType is a global object.
language=Language Specifies the language if ResourceType is library;{message | glyph | format | menu}

Return Values

Values returned by $ude and entitycopy
Value Description
>=0 Success. Number of records where an attempt was made to process them. Detailed information is returned in $procReturnContext.
<0 An error occurred. $procerror contains the exact error and $procerrorcontext provides the details.
8066 8066- Copy failed: Open error on input file/table.

This error can occur when no entity descriptors cannot be found.

Items are omitted if their value is zero or an empty string.

Items Returned by $procreturncontext
Item Description
Context = Context Context of the information. For $ude("import"), the value is UDE Import.
InputRecords = Number Records to be imported.
OutputRecords = Number Records imported.


When used with the symboltable keyword, $ude ("import") imports data from symbol table files in the project directory to the UXCROSS.DICT repository table.

Version Change
9.3.01 Introduced

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