
Set or return the current locale (language and country), or locale setting.

$nlslocale = "classic" | "system" | ln_CY

result = $nlslocale


Parameter Data Type Description
classic String No locale-based sorting or formatting is performed. This is the default.
system String Sorting and formatting behavior is based on the locale defined for the local (client) system; Windows only
ln_CY String Locale identifier, in which ln specifies the two-letter language code and CY the two-letter country code as defined by ISO 639; for example, fr_CA for French (Canada)

Return Values

Returns the current locale or setting.


Allowed in all component types.


When setting the $nlslocale, you can specify the value as a string, field (or indirect reference to a field), variable, or function that evaluates to a string.

The value of $nlslocale overrides the value of the $NLS_LOCALE assignment setting. If the NLS locale is set to system or a specific locale, locale-based processing rules are applied, unless they are overridden by one of these other assignment settings, or in ProcScript. If it is set to classic, Uniface does not apply locale-based processing unless the locale is set in ProcScript using $nlslocale.

The default value of the$NLS_CASE, $NLS_FORMAT, and $NLS_SORT_ORDER assignment settings is nlsformat. This means that they use the value set by $NLS_LOCALE to control their specific area of functionality. Thus, setting $nlslocale affects the default way in which data is displayed, sorted, and transformed with case conversion. For more information, see Language and Locale.

You can use $nlslocalelist to get the system locale or a list of locales.

Note: The NLS locale is not used for locale-based processing in the client side of a dynamic server page. To set the locale for the DSP client, you can use $webinfo("locale").

Effect of Locale on Displayed Date

In the following example, when the user selects a locale in the LOCALES field, the valueChanged trigger assigns this value to the $nlslocale and updates the value of the CURRENTDATE field.

trigger valueChanged ; of LOCALES
  $nlslocale = LOCALES
  CURRENTDATE = $datim
end; valueChanged

With the display format (Field Layout) of CURRENTDATE set to DIS($NLS(FULL, DATE)), the following table shows how the date is displayed for some example locales:

Effect of Locale on Displayed Dates
Locale Code Locale Displayed Data
en_US English (United States) Wednesday, December 2, 2019
en_GB English (United Kingdom) Wednesday, 2 December 2019
fr_CA French (Canada) mercredi 2 décembre 2019
nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands) woensdag 2 december 2019
ja_JP Japanese (Japan) 2019年12月2日水曜日
bg_BU Bulgarian (Bulgaria) 02 декември 2019, сряда

Setting Locale with Local Browser Setting

When a request is sent to a Uniface Web application from the client browser, the locale of the browser is included in the HTTP headers. This can be useful, for example, if you want to return information in the local language or currency. Use the following ProcScript construction to extract the browser locale from the request header and use it to set $nlslocale:

$nlslocale = $item("accept-language", $webinfo("httpRequestHeaders"))
Version Change
9.4.01 Introduced

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