
Return the current value of the NLS case setting, or set it to a new value to apply or ignore locale-based case conversion rules.

$nlscase = "nlslocale" | "classic"

Result = $nlscase


Parameter Data Type Description
nlslocale String Apply case conversion rules for the current locale (if not set to classic) when using case conversion ProcScript commands such as $uppercase and $lowercase
classic String Ignore locale-based case conversion rules when using case conversion ProcScript commands such as $uppercase and $lowercase. Convert characters on a character-by-character basis according to the Unicode definitions.

Return Values

Returns the current setting.


Allowed in all component types.


When setting $nlscase, you can specify a string, field, or variable that evaluates to a string.

Setting $nlscase overrides the value set by $NLS_CASE, if specified. The value of $nlscase itself can be overridden by specifying a locale qualifier in $uppercase or $lowercase.

The following ProcScript instructions are available for converting between uppercase and lowercase:

  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • $lowercase
  • $uppercase

Using $nlscase

For example, if $NLS_LOCALE is set to en_US, the following code will turn off locale-based conversion.

$nlscase = "classic"
FIELD1 = $uppercase (" Groß-Gerau")
;Result: FIELD1 =  GROß-GERAU

The ß character, which would have been converted to SS if locale-based rules were applied, is not converted.

Version Change
9.4.01 Introduced

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