
Explicitly create a new Struct with no members.

StructVar = $newstruct

Example: vStruct1->mbr = $newstruct


Parameter Data Type Description
StructVar struct Name of a variable or parameter; must be of type struct or any

Return Values

Returns an empty Struct


Allowed in all component types.


Structs are usually implicitly created by assigning a value to a struct variable or parameter. The $newstruct function enables you to explicitly create an empty Struct or Struct member, which you can then populate.

Using $newstruct

The following statement inserts a reference to an empty Struct (referenced by vStruct1) called mbr

vStruct1->mbr = $newstruct 

The following statement would rarely be required except, for example, if it were used in a loop that needs to reinitialize vStruct2.

vStruct2 = $newstruct
Version Change
9.5.01 Introduced