
Return or set the title of the window title containing the Form instance.


$formtitle = FormTitle

Example: $formtitle = "Races"


Parameter Data Type Description
FormTitle String New title for the form. The maximum number of characters that can be assigned is 127.

Return Values

Title of the current Form or Form instance.

Initially, $formtitle returns the title of the Form as defined by the Title property, or the instance name, if no title has been set.


Use in Form components and Static Server Pages. If $formtitle is used in other components, it is ignored.


You can use $formtitle to dynamically set the title of the form window.

Naming Forms

The following example uses $formtitle to name the form window after the race season the user is accessing:

; FORMULA 1 Application
; form: W_RACE
operation exec

$valrep(RACE_DLIST.RACE) = $$list
$formtitle = "Races - %%$$season season"
call lp_clearvars
end; exec