
IncludeScripts are fragments of ProcScript or JavaScript that are inserted into components during compilation.

They enable you to define generic code and definitions in one place, which can help to make your application consistent and easier to maintain.

IncludeScripts are defined as development objects in an IncludeScript library.

To reference IncludeScript entries, use the #include directive at the location where you want the IncludeScript content inserted.

For example, you can define an include ProcScript entry that implements some default error handling. Assuming it is called ERROR_HANDLER in the the MY_INCL_LIB library, you can add the statement #include MY_INCL_LIB:ERROR_HANDLER wherever this error handling code is needed, and the code is inserted at that point during compilation.

Each IncludeScript Library can contain one IncludeScript called DEFPARAM, which is used to hold global constants.

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