The USYSNET internal component handles authorization requests for network paths that require extended login, as specified in the [XLOGIN] section of the client assignment file.

Important: Extended login functionality is available only for Uniface Windows applications that connect to Uniface Servers running on Sun Solaris hosts.

You can use USYSNET in situations where you want to do more with a TCP path than just log on. It provides operations that enable you to retrieve errors and information message, and to change the logon password.

  • UAUTHINFO—sends logon requests to a server and returns server messages to the client. It gives an error message if the logon fails. If it is successful, it can return other information, such as that the password will expire in a few days.
  • UCHANGEPWD—requests the server to change the password for a given network path.

You can activate the component operations UAUTHINFO and UCHANGEPWD in ProcScript.

Modifying USYSNET

You can customize the default extended login functionality by creating a variant of USYSNET. For example, perhaps you want to provide pre-authentication before the open command is executed. To do so, create a service named USYSNET with a signature that has the UAUTHINFO and UCHANGEPWD operations.

Caution: A customized USYSNET component overrides the USYSNET packaged with Uniface.

Note:  You can provide extended login behavior on other platforms by creating a security driver that provides your own extended login functionality. For more information, see Client/Server Security Drivers.

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