APIs: Java Call-In Classes and Methods

Java applications call in to the operations of a Uniface component via the URB. Uniface generates Java classes and methods based on the component’s signature.

API Classes for Java Call-In
Class Description
UnifaceComponent Base class for Uniface components, from which the generated wrapper classes are derived.

Note:  It can be used to implement your own classes for activating Uniface components, but it is much easier to use the generated wrapper classes.

UnifaceEntity Used to construct entity parameters for Uniface operations. The class does the following:
  • Gets entity information, such as the number of fields and the current number of occurrences
  • Creates and removes occurrences
  • Gets data from and sets data in fields of a specific occurrence
UnifaceOccurrence Used to construct occurrence parameters for Uniface operations. This class is a wrapper class around an entity data type, class UnifaceEntity, which holds one occurrence. The methods of the wrapper class guarantee that the embedded entity is always a valid occurrence (it contains one occurrence).
UnifaceDateTime Used to construct date and time parameters for Uniface operations.



Exception classes that provide error handling for your Java applications.

The Java Call-In API also provides a Configuration Manager and Configuration Manager Bean:

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