
Important: The unifbeg function has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead you can use the Call-In API, a collection of call-in functions related to the ProcScript activate command. For more information, see Call-In Using the Call-In API.

Start an application, or initialize the Uniface environment, so forms can be executed.

int unifbeg (int, batch)


batch—a flag specifying whether the environment must be started in interactive or batch mode. A value of zero specifies interactive mode; a non-zero value specifies batch mode.

Return Values

Values returned by unifbeg




Successful completion


No application shell was defined with usysparm


Keyboard or device translation table load error


Licence error


Memory allocation error


Assignment error


Application screen start-up error


Specified application shell was not found


Specified application shell has an empty apStart trigger


Library ucall


unifbeg, together with urun and unifend, implements the old-style call-in API. If your main application is not a Uniface application, you must call unifbeg before you can call urun. You should not be calling unifbeg from code that is being called by Uniface, because the initialization will already have been done.

If you specify a zero value for the batch parameter, the environment is initialized for interactive mode where you can then run forms with user interaction. Any non-zero value for batch specifies batch mode. The value of the ProcScript function $batch will be set accordingly.

Starting with Uniface V8, unifbeg no longer loads an application shell. If you want to use a specific application shell, you must specify it with a call to usysparm with code zero, then call unifbeg. This application shell must have ProcScript in the apStart trigger, otherwise unifbeg will return –10. The code in the apStart trigger will be executed by unifbeg, so you can use unifbeg to run an application. If you do not specify an application shell, or if the apStart trigger does not contain a run or activate command, unifbeg just serves as the necessary initialization for urun.

When you specify an application shell with usysparm, you must supply the .aps suffix (see the example below). unifbeg will then try to use both the aps file and the asn file with the same root name, using the normal search paths. If the assignment file does not exist, it will still work.

While Uniface still supports call-in by means of unifbeg, urun, and unifend, we recommend that you use the newer call-in API (uecreate, and so on), because they give you the full functionality of the activate command.

unifbeg, unifend, and urun for simple call-in

The following C code performs a straight-forward call-in:

#include <h3gl.h>
void main (void)
/* Tell unifbeg to use myapp.aps/myapp.asn */
usetparm(0, "myapp.aps", "");
unifbeg(0); /* Start Uniface interactive environment */
urun("FRM", 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Run form FRM with default size/position */
unifend(-1); /* Shut down the Uniface environment */

unifbeg, unifend, and urun with multiple forms

The following character mode call-in program starts the Uniface environment and executes two different forms. It then instructs Uniface to suspend itself and position the cursor on the bottom left corner of the screen so it can print a message there and read a keystroke from the keyboard. It then re-initializes the environment and executes two more forms before finally shutting down.

#include <h3gl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define PROMPT "User: Please enter a keyboard character > "
char ch;
unifbeg(0); /* Initialize Uniface in interactive mode */

/* Run FORM1 with default size and position */
urun("FORM1", 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Run FORM2 with default size and position */
urun("FORM2", 0, 0, 0, 0);

unifend(1); /* Position cursor in bottom left corner */

printf(PROMPT); /* Prompt user */
ch = getchar(); /* Read character from keyboard */

unifbeg(0); /* Resume Uniface */

/* Run FORM3 with default size and position */
urun("FORM3", 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Run FORM4 with default size and position */
urun("FORM4", 0, 0, 0, 0);

unifend(-1); /* Shutdown and terminate program */