Is Independent Form

Form property that determines whether the form can be moved independently of other forms, or whether it overlays another form.

Value Description
True The form does not overlay the previous form and can be moved.

The form is displayed on top of the previous form and cannot be moved. If the current form is intended to overlay another, specify the form instance that it will overlay in the Parent Form field.


Note: For contained forms (which have the Window Type property set to Contained), the value of this property is ignored and always treated as false.

When Is Independent Form is False, be aware of the following:

  • The Is Independent Form property cannot be used in combination with the Caption, Resizable, or System Menu properties.
  • Panels are not shown on an independent form. If the underlying form has a panel, the panel will be used by the form that overlays it. However, for user-defined buttons to work in the overlay form, the operations also need to be defined in the overlay form.
  • If the underlying form contains one or more split bars, the overlay form is attached to a split bar and window borders. This can affect the size and position of the overlay form.

Applies To

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