Label Image Alignment (ImageLabelAlign)

This property defines the position of the image relative to the label text, when the tab or button label specifies both an image and a text..

ImageLabelAlign="Left | Right | Top | TopLeft | TopRight | Bottom | BottomLeft | BottomRight"

Valid Values
Value Meaning Example
Left Image is placed to the left of the label ImageLabelAlign=left
Right Image is placed to the right of the label ImageLabelAlign=right
Top Image is placed above the label ImageLabelAlign=top
TopLeft Image is placed above the label, to the left ImageLabelAlign=topleft
TopRight Image is placed above the label, to the right ImageLabelAlign=topright
Bottom Image is placed below the label ImageLabelAlign=bottom
BottomLeft Image is placed below the label, to the left ImageLabelAlign=bottomleft
BottomRight Image is placed below the label, to the right ImageLabelAlign=bottomright


Dynamic? Yes
Supported in Grid? No
Dependencies: For command buttons, this property is supported only when the Representation property is set to Uniface.


By default, when images are defined for tabs and command buttons, they are positioned to the left of the label. You can change the position using the ImageLabelAlign property.

Command Button

For command buttons, this property is supported only when the Representation property is set to Uniface.

Note:  The size of the widget itself cannot be changed dynamically. If you change the ImgSize or ImageLabelAlign properties in ProcScript, ensure that the command button dimensions are large enough for the image and the text to fit.

Setting in ProcScript

The following ProcScript code sets the image position right relative to the label.

$fieldproperties(TABEX) = "imagelabelalign=right" 

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