Label of a menu item (including optional icon), as displayed in the menu bar or menu. To include an icon, use a GOLD ! between the image and text values.
Icon only:
This property, rather than the Name of a referenced menu, determines the actual text of the menu option.
By default, the first character of the
Item property serves as a mnemonic identifier for that item. To use a
different character, a percent sign (%) must be included before the character, for example
to display File.
To precede the Item text with an icon, you can specify an image or glyph and the text as a GOLD ! (exclamation mark) separated list:
Image |
Glyph! } OptionText
For example:
@file_open.png!Open file
Important: At runtime, icons are displayed in menus only if at least one menu property is set in the application .ini file. For example:
;usys.ini [application] Menu = umenu(backcolor=control)