
Determines whether a label moves with its associated field when the field is repositioned.

Anchor=On | Off

Example: .L=ulabel(anchor=on)




Label remains in its original position even when its associated field is moved.


Label is moved with its associated field when the field is repositioned. The label is not resized.


A component field may be repositioned when:

  • It is moved in ProcScript using the $paintedfieldproperties function
  • The Attach to Window Border property of the field is set, and its parent form or attached split bar is resized

If the field has an associated label, the label is not moved, which can result in an odd appearance or overlapping fields and labels.

You can alter this behavior by setting Anchor to true in the usys.ini file. For example:

.L=ulabel(transparency=off;labelfont=label;InheritColors=true; Anchor=on)

This sets the property for all labels in the application. It is not possible to set Anchor for individual labels.

When split bars are used, the field and its label must be positioned in the same area. If a split bar is defined between the label and the field, the Anchor property is automatically switched off and the label will not move with its attached field.

Applies To