Is Static

Determines whether the field contents are same for all occurrences of the entity.


"" Property value is inherited.
T (Bound to entity) The field's value and properties are shared by all occurrences, so the content is the same.

The value can be changed in script, but not by the user. Properties can be changed using $properties.

Note:  The widget associated with the field is associated with the occurrence, not the entity. If you use $fieldproperties, only the properties in the current occurrence are changed.

The value is not cleared by the clear ProcScript statement.

F (Bound to occurrence) The field's value and properties can be addressed and manipulated at the occurrence level, so they can have different values in every occurrence.

The field's properties can be manipulated using $fieldproperties.


This property can only be set to True for non-database fields that cannot be externalized (Is External is F) .

In the vast majority of cases, a field is not static. Each occurrence of the entity in the component contains an occurrence of the field, and it can be changed and manipulated only in that occurrence, without affecting field in other occurrences.

However, it is sometimes useful to have a field display the same content in all occurrences of the entity. For example, you might want to display an icon on each record. In this case, set Is Static to True. When you can change the value the field, the change is applied to all occurrences of the entity.

Applies To

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