Deployment Models

Uniface applications can be deployed according to a variety of deployment models, suitable for local, distributed, or internet access.

Typically, the application's database is on a central server with access provided via network connectors and DBMS connectors. However, it is possible for an application to access data in multiple sources (DBMS, files) and multiple locations (distributed DBMS tables).

The application design determines the degree to which applications can be partitioned and distributed over multiple clients and servers. A three-tier application architecture provides more flexibility and scalability. In this case, services can be concentrated on one or more central servers which are accessed by client applications (desktop, web-based, or mobile). The Uniface Router manages client access to Uniface Servers, regardless of their location.

You can choose one deployment model or combine them according to the nature of the application and the deployment environment.

Deployment Models



Local deployment

All application components are installed on one machine. If multiple users use this application, it is installed on each user's machine.

This model is suitable for small-scale applications in which users do not share data, or upload local data periodically to a central server, and for prototyping or testing applications.

Network deployment

All application components are installed on servers. End users use the application via an internet or network connection.

This model is typically used for deploying web and mobile applications. It can also be used for deploying client/server applications, especially when users are located at the same location.

This model relies on consistent network or internet access, sufficient server capacity, and a well-implemented application. Depending on the geographical distribution, and the number of users, you may need to set up several identical servers for better performance.

For more information, see Uniface Web Application.

Local/network deployment model

Some components (usually presentation components) are installed on client machines, others on servers.

This model is suitable for large-scale, complex applications. If servers are properly tuned and the components of the application are reasonably distributed in each machine, it can achieve a good result. However, maintaining and tuning the application is more difficult than other models.

For more information, see Client/Server With Remote DBMS and Distributed Client/Server Applications.

Containerized deployment with Docker

A Uniface Server Docker image is provided to run Uniface solutions in a containerized Docker environment. This image can run in the role of Uniface Application Server, Uniface Web Application Server, and Uniface Database Server.

The base image can be extended as needed.

For more information, see Uniface Server Docker Image.

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