Templates and Modeled Objects

Templates and modeled objects are abstract development objects that are used to create new development objects. The difference between the two is that modeled objects are re-used and inherited by the new object, whereas templates are just copied.

There is no link between a template and a new object, so if the template is changed, this has no effect on the objects that were created using the template.

This is not true of modeled objects. Objects that created using a modeled object are known as derived objects, and inherit the properties and script of the modeled object. If a change is made in a modeled object, all objects that were created using the modeled object inherit the change, unless it was overridden in the derived object.

Relationship between template, modeled object, and object
Relationship between template, modeled object, and object

For more information, see Templates and Palettes, Modeled Objects, and Inheritance.