Executable for the Uniface Server, located in the USYSBIN: (\bin) subdirectory.
...} {/dnp=
...} {/dir=
Specify this executable and its command line switches when defining Uniface Server Type (UST) configurations in the urouter.asn file, or when manually starting a Uniface Server.
If the Uniface Router listens to a port other than 13001, specify the port using the /dnp command line switch. Alternatively, define $DNP or $DEFAULT_NET in usys.asn or in the Server assignment file.
Logging is enabled by default, with messages collected in a file with the application name and process ID, for example userver01234.log. Depending on the configuration, this may be the \bin directory of the Uniface installation, the working directory specified by /dir, or the location specified by the assignment setting $PUTMESS_LOG_FILE. For more information, see Uniface Router and Server Log Files.