
Executable for the Uniface Resource Manager, a command line utility for creating and manipulating Uniface archive files and other resources, files and DBMS tables.

urm {Switches} OperationSource{+ Source} {Destination} {Options}

Source and Destination can be specified using the following syntax:

{Extension | LogicalPath:}Profile

Example: urm /plg=urm.log copy $RES:* MyArchive.uar:*



  • Operation—action to perform using the Source as input and Destination as output

    • copy—copy files from a source to a target directory or zip file. See urm copy.
    • delete—delete files from a directory or zip file.
    • entitycopy—copy data from one DBMS or file to another. See urm entitycopy.
    • info—set the UAR version and description of the UAR file. See urm info
    • list—list files in directory or zip file to an optional destination.
    • merge—merge one or more source zip files into one destination zip file. See urm merge.
    • move—move files from a source to target directory or zip file. See urm move.
    • rename—rename files in a directory or archive file.
    • touch—change the date of the file in a directory or zip file.
    • show—show the version information, readme file, or contents of the specified archive file, or validate the contents. See urm show.
    • split—split an archive file or resources on the $RSO path into one or more archive files based on object, library, and language. See urm split.
    • help—show syntax summary for urm. It can take one of the other operations as a parameter. For example urm help split
  • Source—name of an archive file or directory containing Uniface objects, or a path logical, that points to the source location of objects. It is possible to specify multiple sources using the + symbol. For operation entitycopy, it can be a database path.
  • Destination—name of an archive file or directory, or a logical that points to an output location, such as $RES. For operation entitycopy, it can be a database path. Not applicable for the show and split operations.
  • Options—operation-specific parameters. See
  • Extension—zip file on which to perform the operation. Supported file extensions are .zip and .uar .
  • LogicalPath—logical that specifies a path to a directory location, such as $RSO and $RES.
  • Profile—string identifying the source or destination files for the operation; can include wildcards. If the Extension is specified for the destination, multiple source files can be merged into a single destination.


For options that are specific to copy, entitycopy, show, and split, see the operation descriptions.

Common Options



Applies To

-after=yyyymmdd {hhnnss} | today

-before=yyyymmdd {hhnnss} | today

Specify date of files. The following separators are allowed: - (hyphen), / (slash), and : (colon).

Note:  The date format differs from the date format in the /aft and /bef switches.

-noSubDir Do not process subdirectories copy
-noUpdate Display the operation and its results, but do not actually perform the operation. entitycopy
-silent Perform operations silently, without displaying messages. copy


The Uniface Resource Manager (urm) is a command-line utility that can be used to manipulate Uniface archives, files, and DBMS tables. You can run urm on any platform that supports the Uniface runtime environment.

Except for entitycopy, which can copy data to and from a database, urm operations are intended for manipulating archive or zip files. Except on mainframes, they also work on normal files. Unless the -NoSubDir option is used, all file operations process all files in all subdirectories.

Assignment File

Uniface always loads the usys:usys.asn when running the urm, and thereafter it looks for the following assignment files:

  1. Assignment file specified by the /asn command line switch.
  2. urm.asn if not 1.
  3. usys:urm.asn if not 1 or 2.


Wildcards are allowed. For example, the following command copies objects from the locations specified on the $RES path to an archive file:

urm copy $RES:* NewArchive.uar:*

The following command shows all *.c files that have a associated *.bak file:

urm list *.bak *.c 

You can use %d in the destination profile to add the file date and time (YYYYMMDDHHNNSSTT) to the filename.

The following command is useful when merging several directories with the same file names.

urm rename Dir\FIL*.fil NewDir\FIL*%d.fil 	  	

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