
Install and register the Uniface Router as a Windows service under a unique service name.

urouter   /inst {="ServiceName"}   {NetworkConnector:{HostID}{+PortNumber}  {TLSProfile}}


  • ServiceName—unique name by which the Uniface Router service is registered. If you do not specify the ServiceName, the default name UnifaceVersion URouter is used.
  • NetworkConnector—three-letter code for the network connector; one of TCP or TLS.
  • HostId—host machine where the URouter service runs. If omitted, the default is localhost ( the current machine). For more information, see Host Identification for TCP/IP and TLS.
  • PortNumber—port number on which this URouter service listens. If omitted, the default port number 13001 is used.
  • TLSProfile—name of a TLS connection profile that is defined in the [NET_SETTINGS] section of the assignment file; applicable only if NetworkConnector is TLS. For more information, see TLS Connection Profiles.

Use With

urouter—Uniface Router on Microsoft Windows. For more information, see urouter.


Use the /inst switch with urouter.exe to specify a unique service name by which the Uniface Router should be installed and registered.

You can install multiple Uniface Routers on the same machine, as long as each one listens on different ports. Each such Uniface Router maintains its own group of servers, and must have its own assignment file and list of ports to listen to.

urouter.exe /inst="Uniface 10 urouter" tcp:+13001 tcp:+13002 tls:+13003:VerySecure

Note:  Both the definition and the registry key must be available for the URouter service to be started. When starting, the Uniface Router verifies the existence of the registry key, to ensure it has been correctly installed. If the key is not found an error message will be issued and the URouter will not start.

Parameters following the /inst switch are not checked for syntax. If there are errors, the Uniface Router is installed successfully. However, you cannot start it and a system error message (-1067) is issued. If this happens, use the /show switch to check the parameters. Then stop, remove, reinstall, and restart the Uniface Router, using /stop (or net stop), /rem, and /inst (or net start), respectively.

For more information, see Install a Uniface Router on Windows.

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