
Import an XML file containing Repository definitions exported from the Uniface Repository.

/imp   {/com=NumberOfOccurrences}   {/int=ProgressMessageInterval}   {/nos}   FileName


  • /com—commit after specified number of occurrences (if supported by the database). Default is 100.For more information, see /com.
  • /int—frequency with which a message is displayed, expressed as a number of occurrences. Default is 100.For more information, see /int.
  • /nos—no supersede. Do not replace existing occurrences. For more information, see /nos.


  • FileName—can be a literal file name or a wildcard profile. Specify the required file as either as

    LiteralName.ext or as XML:*.ext.

    .ext is optional, and may have any format that is permitted by the operating system

Use With

ide.exe—Uniface IDE


During the import process, Uniface checks the Uniface version and Repository version to ensure that the data is compatible. If it is, the data is imported and mappings are applied to migrate data to the current Uniface Repository structures.

If the data is incompatible (for example, because it was produced by a version of Uniface that is too old, or too new), Uniface does not allow the data to be imported. It is also considered incompatible if the source XML file was created using the data copy facility instead of the export functionality.

Note: It is not possible to use /imp to import data created by Copy Data facilities such as /cpy and $ude("copy").

Exit Codes

Most applications and utilities set an exit code when they complete or terminate. For example, exit codes are returned in the Windows command variable %errorlevel%, which can be referenced in scripts.

When importing, Uniface returns an exit code of 0 (EXIT_SUCCESS) if the import is successful, or 1 (EXIT_FAILURE) if the import process fails. In this case, the transcript window or log file provides more information about the failure.

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