Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is an open-source Java EE (Enterprise Edition)-compliant web server which is included in the Uniface installation.

Tomcat is automatically installed and configured as part of the test environment for web components and applications. You can test and debug web applications without first having to install and configure a separate web server.

However, you can deploy your Uniface application using any Java EE (Enterprise Edition)-compliant web server. The web server must be configured to run the Uniface Web Request Dispatcher (WRD) servlet as a Java EE web container within the web server.

Tomcat uses the Java Runtime Environment, which must be installed either as part of the Uniface installation or elsewhere on the machine.

By default, Tomcat is installed as a service, which is started automatically after installation and when the machine is started. If you want to enable the Security Manager, see Configuring the Java Security Manager.

For more information about Tomcat, see tomcat.apache.org.

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