
The Pathscrambler is command-line utility for encrypting sensitive information and values in assignment files and login strings. These may be used in assignment files, servlet settings, the open ProcScript statement and the /log (login) command line switch. Uniface automatically decrypts any data that has been encrypted with the Pathscrambler.

In Uniface, path definitions and other settings can contain sensitive information such as server names, port numbers, and user and password combinations required to log on to a network or database. This is useful for providing automatic logon to required data sources, but represents a security risk because the information is clearly visible as ASCII text in assignment files and unsecured connections.

As its name implies, Pathscrambler was originally designed to obfuscate path specifications used for automatic logon to resources. It now provides AES-256 encryption and base64 encoding for path specifications, application logicals, connection strings, user names and passwords, and any other data that should be hidden and secured when accessing application resources.

The pathscrambler.exe executable takes an assignment file, text string, or path definition as input, and returns an assignment file or string in which specific data is encrypted and/or encoded. For more information, see pathscrambler.exe .

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