
Convert a Struct to XML, without a schema.

structToXml  XmlTarget,  StructSource

Example: structToXml vOutputXml, vStruct


Parameter Data Type Description
XmlTarget xmlstream Variable or parameter to which the converted XML is written; must be of type xmlstream, string, or any
StructSource struct Variable or parameter referring to the source Struct; must be of type struct or any

Return Values

Values Returned in $procerror after structToXml
Error Meaning
0 XML document successfully created.

However, the XML produced may not be what is expected if non-fatal errors occurred during conversion, because everything that is not recognized or usable is ignored. Warnings about such conditions are made available in $procReturnContext. See $procReturnContext for structToXml.

< 0 An error occurred. $procerror contains the exact error.
Values Commonly Returned by $procerror
Error Number Error Constant Meaning
-1905 STRUCTERR_INPUT Input struct data is not valid. For example, the struct variable may have been declared, but not initialized.
Errors and warnings returned in $procreturncontext
Error Error Constant Meaning
-1160 USTRUCTERR_TAGVALUE_NOT_APPLICABLE Annotation xmlClass has no value, or an unknown or illegal value (based on the current context)


Allowed in all component types.


XML annotations drive the way in which structToXml performs the conversion. Should a Struct be converted to an element, an attribute, or a declaration? Do namespace values need to be added? Without the value of the xmlClass and other annotations, there is no way for structToXml to determine this. When preparing a Struct for conversion to XML, you therefore need to ensure that you set the xmlClass annotation for each member of the Struct.

The structToXml conversion routine processes the Struct members in the order in which they appear. You therefore need to ensure that the Struct members are in the correct sequence. Thus, if the source Struct has xmlClass set to element, its members must be ordered so that members with xmlClass=attribute or xmlClass=namespace-declaration come before xmlClass=comment.

XML Documents and Snippets

structToXml can generate either an XML document (that is, well-formed XML with a single root node) or partial XML documents (well-formed XML with multiple root nodes), known as snippets.

structToXml handles StructSource as an XML document if the xmlClass of the source Struct is set to document, or if the source Struct is nameless and contains only one member. For example, the following Struct has a single nameless source node containing a single named member (movie):

  [movie] = "The Matrix"
      xmlClass = "element"
    [p] = "The Matrix is a great movie."
        xmlClass = "element"
    [p] = "It is much better than its sequels."
        xmlClass = "element"

This is treated as if the source struct was tagged as xmlClass = "document"

    xmlClass = "document"
  [movie] = "The Matrix"

structToXml handles StructSource as snippets if the source struct contains a collection of Structs. For example, the following shows a collection of Structs produced by vStruct->p:

[p] = "The Matrix is a great movie."
    xmlClass = "element"
[p] = "It is much better than its sequels."
    xmlClass = "element"

Converting Struct to XML

When preparing a Struct for conversion to XML, keep the following in mind:

  • Each Struct member must have an xmlClass that defines the XML construct to which it should be converted. For more information, see Struct Annotations for XML.

    The xmlClass is optional in the following cases:

    • The source (top-level) Struct is nameless and contains a single member; xmlClass is assumed to be document.
    • Non-scalar Struct members; xmlClass is assumed to be element.
    • Struct members named #comment ; xmlClass is assumed to be comment.
  • Depending on the value of xmlClass, structToXml will read and convert other XML annotations that are valid for the XML construct.
  • If xmlClass holds an unknown value, the Struct member is ignored and a warning (STRUCTERR_TAGVALUE_NOT_APPLICABLE) is returned in $procReturnContext.
  • If xmlClass holds an illegal value, based on the Struct's context, a warning is returned in $procReturnContext. The context is determined by the position of the Struct in relation to a valid XML document.
  • If a Struct represents an XML snippet (it holds a collection of Structs), the xmlClass of each member can be set to comment, processing-instruction, or element.
  • If a Struct represents an XML document:
    • The Struct may optionally have xmlClass set to document
    • The Struct may optionally have annotations xmlVersion, xmlEncoding, and xmlStandAlone, which are used to generate an XML declaration. For more information, see XML Declaration.
    • The Struct can have no, one, or multiple members representing comments, processing instructions, or elements(xmlClass set to comment, processing-instruction, or element).
    • The Struct may optionally have one member representing a DOCTYPE declaration (xmlClass set to doctype).
  • If a Struct represents a DOCTYPE declaration (xmlClass set to doctype):
    • The Struct can only be a child of an XML document struct.
    • The Struct must occur before Structs with xmlClass set to element.
    • The Struct may contain other Structs for element and entity declarations, attribute lists, and notation declarations. For more information, see XML DOCTYPE Declaration.
    • If there are multiple doctype Structs, or they are in the wrong position within the XML document, a warning is returned.
  • If a Struct represents an element (xmlClass set to element). it can have no, one, or multiple members for attributes (xmlClass set to attribute or namespace-declaration). If these are present, they must occur before any of the following members:
    • Scalar member for character data (no xmlClass annotation)
    • Scalar member for CDATA (xmlClass set to CDATA)
    • Struct node for a child element ( xmlClass set to element)
    • Struct member for a comment (xmlClass set to comment, and optionally named #comment)
    • Struct member for processing instruction (xmlClass set to processing-instruction)
  • If the data type of the Struct member is string, it is put into the XML document as is, without any reformatting.

    If the data type is something other than string, the data is formatted according to the schema data type specified in the xmlDataType and xmlTypeNamespace tags. If these tags are not present, an appropriate default schema data type is used to format the data in the XML document. For example, if the data type is Raw and xmlDataType="base64Binary", the data is base64 encoded in the resulting XML document. If the data type is Raw but there is no xmlDataType tag, the default schema data type is hexBinary, so the data will be put into the XML document in hexadecimal format.

    For the time and datetime data types, the time is always local time without time zone information.

    Important: If you specify an xmlDataType tag, ensure that its value is appropriate for the Uniface data type of the scalar member, otherwise unpredictable results may occur.

  • The order of the annotations is not relevant. However, if a Struct contains multiple annotations with the same name, only the first one is used.

$procReturnContext for structToXml

$procReturnContext contains context and error information about the conversion in the form of a nested Uniface list.

Context=structToXml ;}
{Infos=Number ;
{Warnings=Number ;} 
{Errors=Number ;}
{DETAILS=ID=MsgNum !!;SEVERITY=Type !!;MNEM=Mnemonic !!;DESCRIPTION=ErrorDescription !!;CURRENTSTRUCT=Struct !!;ADDITIONAL=TAGNAME=Name !!!;TAGVALUE=Value !!!;EXPECTED=ExpectedValue}  { !;ID= ...}
Items Returned by $ProcReturnContext for structToXml
Item Description
Context Value indicating the previously executed command that set $procReturnContext, in this case, structToXml


Number of messages, warnings, and non-fatal errors generated during processing
DETAILS Details about any messages, warnings, and non-fatal errors encountered during processing, structured as a Uniface sublist
ID Message number
MESSAGE Message text
SEVERITY Importance of the issue; one of INFO, WARNING, or ERROR
MNEM Mnemonic for the specified (numeric) ID.
DESCRIPTION Short description of the issue.
CURRENTSTRUCT List of all preceding parents, starting from the top. Each parent is described by its name (which can be empty) and index number. The top-level parent has no index number.
ADDITIONAL Uniface sublist of additional information about the Struct (member) causing the message. This information is provided if there is more detailed information to report, such as unexpected tags or tag values.
TAGNAME Name of the annotation tag; optional.
TAGVALUE Value of the tag specified by TAGNAME.
EXPECTED Expected object for the context; one of:
  • Struct valid on XML document level
  • Struct valid on XML element level
  • DTD declaration
  • DTD attribute declaration

Example: $ProcReturnContext after structToXml

The following shows the type of information returned in $procReturnContext for structToComponent (formatted for readablity):

    DESCRIPTION=Struct tag value not applicable in conversion from struct!!;
      EXPECTED=Struct valid on XML document level

Example: Building a Struct and Converting it to XML

Assume that you want to create the following XML message:

<!-- message to Jim -->
<message priority="High" from="Reception" to="Jim">Please contact your brother</message>

The following ProcScript attempts to build this Struct and convert it to XML, but contains three errors:

  struct vStruct
  xmlStream vOutputXml
  string vReturnContext
; Build Struct
vStruct = $newstruct
vStruct->"#comment" = "message to Jim"
vStruct->*{-1}->$tags->xmlClass="commen" Callout 1
vStruct->message = $newstruct
vStruct->message->$tags->xmlClass = "element"
vStruct->message->priority = "High"
vStruct->message->priority->$tags->xmlClass = "attribute"
vStruct->message->*{-1} = "Please contact your brother"
vStruct->message->from = "Reception"
vStruct->message->from->$tags->xmlClass = "attribute" Callout 2
vStruct->to = "Jim"
vStruct->to->$tags->xmlClass = "attribute"  Attribute to is created as a
			 sibling Struct to message, which puts it on the document level

; Convert to XML
structToXml vOutputXml, vStruct

; Write the XML to a file
filedump vOutputXml, "generatedXmlDoc.xml"
  1.  Spelling error when tagging the comment
  2.  Attribute from is after the content of message, so it is not in the correct order for the XML
  3.  Attribute to is created as a sibling Struct to message, which puts it on the document level

The resulting XML looks like this:

<message priority="High">Please contact your brother</message>

$procReturnContext provides information about these errors:

    DESCRIPTION=Struct tag value not applicable in conversion from struct!!;
      EXPECTED=Struct valid on XML document level!;
    DESCRIPTION=Struct tag value not applicable in conversion from struct!!;
      EXPECTED=Struct valid on XML element level!;
    DESCRIPTION=Struct tag value not applicable in conversion from struct!!;
      EXPECTED=Struct valid on XML document level

The following example shows the correct ProcScript code:

entry buildStruct
  struct vStruct
  xmlStream vOutputXml
; Build Struct
vStruct = $newstruct
vStruct->"#comment" = "message to Jim"
vStruct->message = $newstruct
vStruct->message->$tags->xmlClass = "element"
vStruct->message->priority = "High"
vStruct->message->priority->$tags->xmlClass = "attribute"
vStruct->message->from = "Reception"
vStruct->message->from->$tags->xmlClass = "attribute"
vStruct->message->to = "Jim"
vStruct->message->to->$tags->xmlClass = "attribute"
vStruct->message->*{-1} = "Please contact your brother"

; Convert to XML
structToXml vOutputXml, vStruct

; Write the XML to a file
filedump vOutputXml, "generatedXmlDoc.xml"

Replacing Escape Sequences with XML Entities

By default, structToXml produces escape sequences for GOLD and text formatting characters (bold, italic, underline, and their combinations).

  • For GOLD characters: &#x8FFFF;. For example, GOLD ; results in &#x8FFFF;1B.
  • For bold, underline, and italic (and their combinations): &#x1FFFF; &#x2FFFF; ... &#x7FFFF;. For example, the word Hi in bold results in &#4FFFF;H&#4FFFF;i.

The Uniface DTD includes XML entity definitions for these characters. If you want structToXml to produce the entities defined in Uniface DTD instead, you need to ensure that the Struct has a doctype member with the tag xmlSystemID that has the value UNIFACE.DTD.

Note:  This is useful only if you are using structToXml to produce an XML file that Uniface can import into the repository. In this case, you must also ensure that the rest of the Struct conforms to the Uniface DTD. For more information, see XML Streams.

For example:

mystruct->rootelement{mystruct->rootelement->$index + 1} = $newstruct
mystruct->rootelement{-1}->$index = 1
mystruct->rootelement{1}->$tags->xmlClass = "doctype"
mystruct->rootelement{1}->$tags->xmlSystemID = "UNIFACE.DTD"

The resulting XML string includes:

  • A <!DOCTYPE ...> line specifying the DTD.
  • XML entities for special characters such as GOLD characters and text formatting (bold, Italic, underline and their combinations). These XML entities that are defined in the Uniface DTD.

To read an XML file produced this way, use xmlToStruct with the /validate switch. This ensures that the DTD is read and the XML entities are validated against the DTD.






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