
Return a mnemonic for the operating system used by Uniface.


Example: if ($oprsys = "U") ...

Return Values

Values returned by $oprsys
Value Operating system
H Microsoft Windows 98
L Microsoft Windows NT
M Microsoft Windows 8
N Microsoft Windows Server 2012
P Microsoft Windows XP
Q Microsoft Windows 11
R Microsoft Windows Server 2022
S Microsoft Windows Server 2016
T Microsoft Windows Server 2019
U Unix
W Microsoft Windows 10
Y Microsoft Windows Vista
2 Microsoft Windows Server 2000
3 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
4 iSeries (AS/400)
7 Microsoft Windows 7
8 Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Note:  If a service or report component is running in a remote environment, the $oprsys function returns the operating system of the server (not of the client).


Allowed in all component types.


The function $oprsys returns the mnemonic for the operating system that the Uniface application or Uniface Server is using.

Using $oprsys to Create a Log File

In this example $oprsys is used to create a log file recording user, program and operating system details.

   string localvar
   string filetext

selectcase $oprsys
   case "7"
      localvar = "Microsoft Windows 7"
   case "8"
      localvar = "Microsoft Windows 8"
   case "W"
	  localvar = "Microsoft Windows 10"				
   case "U"
      localvar = "Unix"
      localvar = "a supported operating system"

filetext = "%%$user%%% ran program %%$applname%%% under %%localvar%%%.%%^"
filedump/append filetext, "log.txt"

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