
Insert or retrieve one or more menu items at the location of a dynamic menu placeholder

Setting menu items: $inlinemenu = MenuItem {;MenuItemN}

where MenuItem is:

MenuItemId ; Type = Type ; Properties

Getting menu items: Variable = $inlinemenu


Parameter Data Type Description
MenuItem String Associative list defining the menu item identifier, type, and properties. The properties that can be specified depend on the type of menu item.
MenuItemId String String identifying the menu item; mandatory. For example, "extra". If Type is cascaded menu or included menu, the referenced menu cannot be a popup menu.
Type String Type of menu item; mandatory; valid values are:
  • separator
  • option
  • cascaded menu
  • included menu

The item type strings are case insensitive.

For more information, see Type.

Note:  If cascaded menu or included menu, the Referenced_Menu or Nested_Menu properties must also be specified.
Properties String Associative list of name-value pairs specifying the properties of the menu item. Properties may be mandatory, depending on the Type.
Menu Item Definition Properties
Property Value Example Description
Text OptionText

text="Extra tools"

Option text displayed in the menu. Mandatory if Type is Option or Cascaded Menu. For more information, see Item.
Image ImageName image="@ball.png" (file)

image="^BALL" (glyph)

String specifying the name of an image or glyph to be displayed as an icon in front of the option text
Accelerator Accelerator accelerator="FileOpen" Accelerator definition for the item; empty by default. For more information, see Accelerator.
HintText HintText hinttext="User-added plug-ins" Hint text for the menu item; empty by default. For more information, see Hint Text.
Checked Boolean checked="true" Determines whether a check mark is displayed beside the item; false by default.
Disabled Boolean disabled="true" Determines whether the item is disabled; false by default.
Referenced_Menu MenuName Referenced_menu="Editors" String specifying an existing Drop-down menu.For more information, see Referenced Menu .
Nested_Menu DynamicMenu Nested_menu="Preferences" String specifying another dynamic menu.

Return Values

Returns error code in $procerror and error description in $procerrorcontext

Values returned by $procerror after $inlinemenu
Value Description
0 Success
-1 An error occurred.
-1600 The function has been used outside the scope of the current preDisplay context
-1601 The function has been used in a component. It is allowed only in a preDisplay trigger
-1602 The menu item list has been incorrectly defined.
-1603 Referenced menu in cascading menu does not exist
-1604 Menu item identifier is not unique
-1605 Invalid menu item type


Use only in the preDisplay trigger of Menu objects.

The scope of the function is limited to the preDisplay trigger of the dynamic menu for which the trigger was fired.


The $inlinemenu function contains the most recent menu items set for the dynamic menu for which the preDisplay trigger was fired. This means that if $inlinemenu is not set, the last known menu content for the dynamic menu is used.

The function is empty until a valid menu item definition list is assigned to that function. It is therefore not possible to set the content of a dynamic menu except in the preDisplay trigger used to fire it.

The list of menu item definitions is typically built up using the putitem statement or other list handling ProcScript. For more information, see List Handling in ProcScript.

Defining Dynamic Menu Items

The following example builds a dynamic menu. It uses putitem to construct a menu item definition in a variable and then inserts the value of the variable as an item in the current dynamic menu.

trigger preDisplay 
   string strMenuItem

; ----------- Insert first menu item in a dynamic menu --------------

;Initialize one menu item in list
  StrMenuItem = ""

;Define menu item "Option A"
  putitem/id strMenuItem, "TYPE", "Option"
  putitem/id strMenuItem, "TEXT", "Option A"
  putitem/id strMenuItem, "Checked", "True"
;Insert this item with id "A" into the dynamic menu.
  putitem/id $inlinemenu, "A", strMenuItem

; ----------- Insert second menu item in a dynamic menu -------------

;Initialize one menu item in list.
  StrMenuItem = ""

;Define menu item "Option B"
  putitem/id strMenuItem, "TYPE", "Option"
  putitem/id strMenuItem, "TEXT", "Option B"
  putitem/id strMenuItem, "IMAGE", "ball.png"

;Insert this item with id "B" into the dynamic menu.
  putitem/id $inlinemenu, "B", strMenuItem

end; preDisplay

Defining Nested Dynamic Menus

Caution: Use caution when defining nested dynamic menus because it is possible to create looping menus where a nested menu refers to a generated parent menu.

The following example creates a dynamic menu that references an existing menu and includes a submenu containing a list of attached component instances.

trigger preDisplay 
   string strMenuItem
   string strSubMenu
   string strInstance

   $inlinemenu = "" Callout 1

; Define the first item as a static cascading menu Callout 2
   strMenuItem = ""
   putitem/id strMenuItem, "TYPE", "CASCADED MENU"
   putitem/id strMenuItem, "TEXT", "File"
   putitem/id strMenuItem, "REFERENCED_MENU", "FILE_MENU"

   putitem/id $inlinemenu, "ID_FILE", strMenuItem Callout 3

; Define the second item as a dynamic cascading menu Callout 4
   strSubMenu = ""  Callout 5

  ; Define the menu items for the dynamic submenu Callout 6
   $1 = 1
   getitem strInstance, $instancechildren, $1 
   while ($status > 0)
      putitem/id strSubMenu, strInstance, "TYPE=Option;TEXT=%%strInstance%%%"

      ; Get next instance
      $1 = $1 + 1
      getitem strInstance, $instancechildren, $1 

  ; Define the dynamic submenu Callout 7
   strMenuItem = ""
   putitem/id strMenuItem, "TYPE", "CASCADED MENU"
   putitem/id strMenuItem, "TEXT", "Attached instances"
   putitem/id strMenuItem, "NESTED_MENU", strSubMenu

   putitem/id $inlinemenu, "ID_INSTANCES", strMenuItem     Callout 8
end; preDisplay
  1. Clear $inlinemenu to ensure that an existing dynamic menu definition is not used.
  2. As the first item in the dynamic menu, define a cascading menu that references an existing File menu.
  3. Insert the cascading file menu item with ID ID_FILE into the dynamic menu.
  4. As the second item in the dynamic menu, define a cascading menu that references another dynamic menu.
  5. Initialize the dynamic submenu definition.
  6. Get the attached component instances and create a menu item definition for each of them.
  7. Define a cascading submenu that contains a list of the attached instances of this component.
  8. Insert the dynamic submenu (id "ID_INSTANCES") into the main dynamic menu.

When the user selects one of the items attached to the instances, that instance is made active with the setformfocus statement.

trigger option
   string strId : IN

   ;Check if this ID is one of the attached instances.
  if (IsAttachedInstance(strId))
     ;Yes our selected menu item has an id which matches
     ;one of our attached instances so we can make this one
     setformfocus strId
end; option
Version Change
9.1.01 Introduced

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