Character Mode Widget Mnemonics

These mnemonics define the appearance of various widgets in a character mode application ($GUI=$CHR). Each of these mnemonics has a default appearance.


Mnemonics for Character Mode Widget Appearance
Mnemonic Default Explanation
view_check X Appearance of a check box when on.
view_check_null (space) Appearance of a tri-state check box when null.
view_check_off o Appearance of a check box when off.
view_dropdown * For a drop-down list, this character is displayed in the rightmost position.
view_menu_check ^ Appearance of a checked menu item.
view_menu_cascade > This character appears in the rightmost position of a menu item that is a cascading menu.
view_moredown v For a drop-down list, list box, or radio group, this character indicates that there are more options below the bottom one displayed.
view_moreup ^ For a drop-down list, list box, or radio group, this character indicates that there are more options above the top one displayed.
view_push_null (space) Default text for a command button.
view_radio X Appearance for radio button when on.
view_radio_off o Appearance for radio button when off.
BEGIN_SET 0 normal ASCII set
^esc(B select ascii set selection
^chr font_0 map (32-126) to 0.(32-126)
X view_check
^SP view_check_off