
Specifies the password for a key that belongs to the certificate used by the TLS client.

client_key_password | clt_key_pwd=Password


Password—password for the client certificate key, if it is password protected. Leading and trailing whitespace are removed, and the password cannot contain a comma.


Set this option in the assignment file of TLS clients (Uniface applications and shared Uniface Servers).


If the client certificate key is password protected, the password must be specified with the client_key_password option. There is no default value, even when using the default certificate and key file names.

Note: You can use the Pathscrambler utility to encrypt keys and passwords in your assignment files. For more information, see Encrypting Paths and Other Sensitive Data Using PathScrambler.

Using client_key_password

In the following example, the key is password-protected, so the password is provided for the key.

 CheckClient=verify_client=yes, client_certificate=clcert.crt, %\
             client_key=clkey.key, client_key_password=c_pa5sWord

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