
This method activates the requested operation.

import com.compuware.uniface.*;

public int activate(String operationName, Object[] parameters) throws UnifaceException;


  • operationName—desired operation.
  • parameters—an array of objects containing the parameters for operationName. parameters[0] is used for the return value. parameters[1..n] are used for the operationName parameters.

Return Values

Returns the value of $status and can throw one of the following exceptions:

  • NoSuchOperationException when the operation is not provided.
  • UnifaceException when the activate fails for some other reason.


UnifaceComponent is the base class of the Java call-in. It provides the classes that implement the activate method.

Uniface generates methods that use the activate method when the Java (or JavaBean) wrappers are generated.

quit Method

For example, the following Java code is generated for the quit operation:

/** Operation quit. */
public int quit ()
throws UnifaceException {
Object params[] = new Object[1];
int status = activate ("quit", params);
return status;