Generated Files for Java Call-In

The signatures of Uniface components with a Java call-in implementation are used to generate Java files that enable the Uniface components to be treated as Java objects.

Uniface's Java code generator is invoked using the /sto /lan=java instruction on the Uniface command line. For more information, see Generating and Compiling Java Wrapper Files

Generated Files

Generated File Description

Java source for the component wrapper class generated from the Uniface component signature. It contains methods for the component's public operations. Java source for the JavaBean class that acts as a wrapper for the class.

Source for the JavaBean’s BeanInfo class, which contains additional information about the Bean.

It describes the properties of the Bean, and how to handle them, and associates icons with the Bean for display purposes. These icons are used by the development environment to visually show the Bean.

UnfComponent_Color16.gif and UnfCompoent_Color32.gif

Icon files for the JavaBeans

FileName.bat Batch file to compile the .java source files into .class files and package them in a Java archive file named FileName.jar.

Note: To use the batch file, the Java SDK must be installed, and its \bin listed in the Windows PATH environment variable, because the batch file calls the javac.exe and jar.exe. Manifest file used to by the .jar file builder to identify the contents of the .jar file.

Uniface and JavaBeans

The generated JavaBeans for Uniface components can be used during development to defer instantiation of the class to the moment one of its methods is called, and to add properties to the component, which can be manipulated at development time.