ListMail and ListMailX

Return a list of available messages on the POP3 server.




Parameter Type Direction Description
ListInfo string OUT Associated list of message header information. The maximum size of this parameter is 10240000 bytes. If the message list is larger, you can retrieve the complete information using ListMailX iteratively by testing for $status = -16 (signature parameter size exceeded) after each activate.

Return Values

The member-value pairs that are stored in ListInfo are given in the following table:

ListMail Member Pairs
Name Description
NMB Number of messages (during current session)
ID Message identification number
FROM Email address(es) and/or name of sender
SUBJECT Subject of email message
DATE Date and time when message was sent
PRIORITY Priority of an email message (1-5, highest-lowest)
SIZE Size of message text and attachments in bytes
Values returned by ListMail and ListMailX in $status
Value Description
>= 0 ListMail succeeded, number of entries in the associated list
< 0 ListMail failed
-8 Not logged on
-9 Socket error
-10 Miscellaneous error
-11 Message retrieval failed
-16 Signature parameter size exceeded


The ListMail operation returns a list of descriptive header information for available email messages which are in the in-box of the POP3 server. The information returned in ListInfo consists of an associative list, where each list entry represents one email, of name-value pairs describing each message.

The function ListMailX is similar to ListMail, and uses the same parameters, but should be used iteratively when the message information is greater than 10240000 bytes.

The following example retrieves a list of all headers available on the POP3 server and passes the header text into a variable. If the data exceeds 10240000 bytes, the ListMailX operation is called repeatedly and the data is added to the variable until all the data has been retreived.

activate "UPOPMAIL".ListMail ($vEmailList)
if ($status = -16)                                  ; -16 indicates that data exceeds 10240000 bytes
    activate "UPOPMAIL".ListMailX (vEmailListPart)
    if (vEmailList)
      vEmailList = "%%vEmailList%%vEmailListPart"   ; Add the data to the existing email list 
      vEmailList = vEmailListPart

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