Silently Installing the RMS License Manager on Windows

It is possible to install the Sentinel RMS License Manager without user interaction, which may be useful when deploying RMS License Managers to multiple users.

This can be done by running installrms.bat from the command line or installrms.ps1 using PowerShell as an Administrator.


When installing the RMS License Manager silently, use the arguments required for your license type and environment to configure your installation. The following arguments can be used:

  • -installto Directory

    Specify the directory in which to install the RMS License Manager. If omitted, the RMS License Manager is installed in the default location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNetSentinel.

  • -eid EntitlementId

    Activate an Entitlement ID (EID) for a cloud-served network license. To activate more than one Entitlement ID, enter each one as a separate argument, for example:

     installrms.bat -eid 12345abc -eid 67890def
  • -lic LicenseLocation

    For an on-premises network license, specify the full path to the license file location, for example:

     installrms.bat -lic C:\Users\User\Desktop\lservc
  • -fn FriendlyName

    Optionally, specify a friendly name. If not specified, your default machine name is used.

    The friendly name is a human-readable fingerprint used to uniquely identify your machine in the EMS customer portal. You can change this to something that is meaningful to you. The friendly name is restricted to 30 characters, containing letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.

  • -prxhost HostName 

    If using a proxy server for a cloud-served network license, specify the proxy host name. If not specified, no proxy is used. To further configure the proxy server, you can use the remaining optional arguments.

  • -prxport PortNumber—the proxy server's port number (optional).
  • -prxuser UserName—the proxy user name for the proxy server (optional).
  • -prxpwd Password—the password for the proxy user name (optional).
  • -prxauto—automatically configure the proxy server.

    The script automatically searches the Windows Registry for a PAC file and uses this to auto-configure the proxy server. If it cannot find a PAC, it uses the default PAC file.

  • -installonly

    The RMS License Manager and the Sentinel Cloud Plug-in are installed but not started. This is equivalent to choosing the interactive installation option Install RMS and I will configure the license later.

Silent Installation from the Command Line

  1. Download the installation package onto your system. It is a self-extracting zip file.
  2. If you have a license file, also download it onto your system and take note of the directory location—you will need it later.

    Alternatively, you can manually upload the license after completing the installation. For more information, see Configuring a License File Manually.

  3. Double-click the downloaded package to extract and run it, and click OK in the subsequent dialog box.
  4. Choose where you want to extract the files; by default, this is the current directory. Click Unzip.
  5. Run installrms.bat or installrms.ps1 from the command line or PowerShell, using the required parameters.

    For example, to install the RMS License Manager with the following parameters:

    • Installation location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNetSentinel
    • License type: Cloud-served network license
    • Entitlement ID: 12345abc
    • Friendly name: UserMachine1
    • Proxy server: None

    Run the installrms.bat file with the following arguments:

    installrms.bat -installto C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNetSentinel -eid 12345abc -fn UserMachine1 

The installer now proceeds to:

  • Install the Sentinel RMS License Manager in the specified location or the default location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNetSentinel.
  • Install and start the service Sentinel RMS License Manager.
  • Install related Sentinel tools.
  • Register the fingerprint for your Entitlement ID, if a cloud-served license was used.
  • Install and start the service Sentinel Cloud Plug-in Service for unifacebv if a cloud-served license was used. It also creates a cloud configuration file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\SentinelCloudPlugin.

The installer reports this information, as well the settings to be added to the assignment file of the Uniface application that will connect to this RMS Server.


The RMS License Manager installation script sets an exit code on completion when run silently. Exit codes are returned in the Windows command variable %errorlevel% when running installrms.bat, or $lastexitcode when running installrms.ps1 non-interactively. Errors are also reported in the log file.

The following exit codes indicate an error with the arguments used:

  • -1—missing argument value. This occurs if you provide an argument without entering a value.
  • -2—incorrect Entitlement ID.
  • -3—incorrect friendly name.

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